Nacimiento de Billy

Nacimiento de Billy


El 30 de Abril nuestra buena cabra Filomena dio a luz a un precioso cabrito gris y negro al que hemos nombrado Billy.
Es una bolita de pelo y super mimoso con su mami.
Vengan a visitarnos para que puedan disfrutar de el ahora que esta pequeñito y se le puede cojer en brazos.
Un saludo desde el Camel!


This past 30th of April a very special thing happened.
Filomena our eldest goat gave birth to the cutest black and gray baby goat, which has been named Billy.
He has woken up very fast and is already following his mummy everywhere.
Come and join us so you can take advantage of this great opportunity and hold Billy in your arms for a few moments.
He is really great!

Check the video of Billy!!
Regards from the Camel Park!!

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